Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Setting Sun’s Fantasurreal: Comfort food for the ears

New York’s Setting Sun have brought us a beautiful sound that combines several genres. Chief architect of songs Gary Levitt merges indie rock, folk, and maybe a dash of chamber pop in his creations. At times, listeners may think they're hearing Crosby, Stills, and Nash outtakes. Levitt’s layered vocals offer up wonderful harmonies that are complemented by lush instrumentation and sharp lyrics.

Setting Sun's fourth studio album, Fantasurreal, was released last summer (on Levitt's own Young Love Records) and is worth revisiting for those who enjoy discovering good music. The first single, “Make You Feel,” is a superb example of smooth harmonies, this time with partner Erica Quitzow (see Quitzow). When the pair sing, “No one’s gonna make you feel as good as you do,” you should feel that all is right with the world. The addition of the trumpet to this record makes it a true original.

“Into The Wire” picks up the beat with drumming and guitar readymade for a radio hit. This one may cause you to experience a little déjà vu and be reminded of America’s “Lonely People.” Although the seventies seems to have inspired Levitt, his creations are fresh and relevant.

All the songs on Fantasurreal flow like a well told story that draws you in and ends too soon. The album includes many gems, including "The Sympathetic CEO" (a.k.a. five minutes of heaven) and "The Tree," with Levitt and Quitzow chanting, "Don't get carried away / Don't get carried away," which may very well be a warning to the unprepared listener. Fantasurreal will carry you away if you allow that to happen.

Setting Sun is set to tour Europe from late April through late May this year, but should return to our neck of the woods soon after. Catch them if you can. In the meantime, buy this record at Young Love Records today.

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